Tag Archives: life

Take Notice


People watching anywhere can be fun, but at the airport on a long layover, I noticed that it wasn’t just fun, it made me stretch my imagination – wake it up, in ways that made me think it’d been too long.  It also helped me notice little things, things that I normally am going in a gear too fast to notice.  This is just what the doctor ordered, or rather, my husband, who is always telling to me “Relax!”  Normally this easy sounding task of relaxation is elusive to me, as I can always think of things that “need” to be done, or, in my perpetual way of thinking, that I should create a list of things “To Do.”


Well, here at the airport on a four-hour layover, I’ve been forced to put myself into neutral.  I’ve resisted the urge to create any type of list and have instead decided to blog.  I think that’s the best I can manage.  Am I still doing something?  Yes.  But it doesn’t have to be done and it’s my kind of fun.


This airport is bustling with sights and sounds and aromas.  I’ve parked myself in the sunny atrium about 20 feet behind a pianist playing from memory on a baby grand piano.  She effortlessly runs her fingers up and down the ivory keyboard, bringing to life songs Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Chicago, Ray Charles, and the like, all the while smiling and saying hello to the curious travelers, many of whom take pictures or video before leaving her a token of appreciation in her overflowing, too small tip jar.  Children are the most expressive, some dancing, clapping, and some just in awe of how her fingers can create such beautiful melodies.


Amidst the moving sidewalks that transfer people through the area is a row of trees and a display of American flags, as well as rocking chairs and shops.  It’s the restaurants, though, that are beginning to awaken my stomach.  I can smell the fresh salsa of the tequilaria and the tangy scent of Carolina BBQ, not to mention the roasted sugar coated nuts from the stand down the way.


Families abound at this airport, perhaps, like me, they on Spring Break.  There are also many blue-toothed businessmen hurriedly making their way to their next stop, trying to keep their jackets looking fresh while they carry their much too big carry-ons bags.  Members of the military also march through, some in dress blues, others in fatigues.  They all seem to be focused and all have been gracious as other passengers thank them for their service to our country.  I’ve seen young couples trying to wrangle little ones, strollers, and diaper bags, as well as the cutest set of seniors, who, as they listen to the piano music, hold hands and smile at each other.    There are, of course, those who scamper through the airport as though their life depends on it, cursing those darn airlines, and one who somehow managed to stop to get coffee, despite his loud and obvious tardiness to his flight.


All of these are observations that anyone could partake it at many airports, but it is my joy that I’ve been able to stop, watch and make these reflections.  Instead of dreading my long lay over, I am thankful for it.

Birthday Factoids



I was born

Ronald Reagan was President of the United States of America

Annual income was $ 19,074

MTV was born

Raiders of the Lost Ark was released


I turned 10 years old

George HW Bush was President of the United States of America

Persian Gulf War ends with a cease-fire

Annual income was $ 30,126

Nirvana released “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Beauty & The Beast was released


I celebrated my 20th birthday

George W. Bush was President of the United States of America

America is attacked by terrorists on September 11th

Annual income was $ 30,413

Britney Spears releases her first album

Gladiator was released


I turn 30!

Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

The husband & I will go to Disney World for the very first time

I will graduate with my Master’s Degree in Education


“Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 New International Version

Thanks be to God, my family, & my friends.

Deep Freeze


To my students, it was Amendment BINGO.

To me, it will  be a deep freeze frost-free freezer coming to our house in a few days.

Today I reflect on the simple, sometimes strange little things that truly make our days.

Sometimes I get all caught up in thoughts like, “Boy it sure would be nice to be able to buy a new (insert item here)!”, or, “I wish I had (again, insert item here).”  I’m guessing there’s a lot of that going on in our country today, and perhaps it is that kind of thought that helped us get into our financial difficulties.

Though I cannot claim that thoughts of a new couch or a Walt Disney World trip are far from my mind, it is nice to take pleasure in smaller things (7.0 cubic feet?) in life.

My students had a “free” or “fun” day today and thought that they were getting away with something when we played BINGO today and did a looping activity.  Yet they were learning and all had smiles on their faces!  Who knew?

I have been saving for a freezer for months, been measuring and re-measuring the spot I cleared out in the garage and will have a great sense of satisfaction when it arrives and I can put it to good use.

I suppose I could say my husband’s simple pleasure will then be the orange rolls I make and freeze for him to pull out any old time.

Does my excitement and feeling of satisfaction over purchasing a deep freeze mean that I’m getting old?  I am approaching a milestone birthday.  Maybe this is it.  Nah – it just means that I can have my cake and freeze it, too!

French Toast and gas


I love the South for lots of reasons.

For almost a week now, there’s been talk of the weather.  Radio DJs and TV weathermen have been hinting around that there might be some snow on its way.  They talk about it sometime just by referring to it as the “‘S’ word.”  It sends my students into a tizzy with even the slightest possibility.

So imagine the excitement of my 12th graders, who get just as excited about rain or a siren going past the school as most elementary school students do, when they heard that we would be let out an hour and a half early today.  Kids who had just been sitting there, somewhat despondent during class, now were full of life;  smiling from ear to ear.  Their eyes sparkled and it made me, a “Yankee” from Ohio, think about how similar their energy and excitement over a snow day is to that of kids preparing for a major holiday!  I’m guessing their parents see the same look on Christmas morning!

As I drove home on the wet roads, with snow coming down, I noticed a few things.  A) People in Memphis can’t drive – but ESPECIALLY when there is snow coming down.  B) The grocery store parking lots were full.  C) There were long lines at the gas pumps.

No doubt folks were stopping by a store to get the essential bread, milk, and eggs, as well as to top off their tank, before the weather gets worse.

I hope everyone here in the Mid-South enjoys a short day, perhaps a snow day tomorrow, and some darn good French Toast!  Stay safe and warm!

Put on love


Refer to Colossians 3:8-17.  Go ahead.  Break out that Bible and take a look.

This was the scripture from my church service yesterday and several things struck me, especially given that I am off today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Keywords that I circled during church yesterday were items to rid ourselves of: ANGER, RAGE, MALICE, SLANDER, and FILTHY LANGUAGE, as well as the idea that we should not LIE to each other.  What if you and I and people everywhere made a conscious effort to curb these tendencies to hold anger, to lie (yes, even white lies), or use filthy language?  We are all guilty, myself included, but that is human nature, and God knows that.  What if, with just as much effort as we take to rid ourselves of these things, we try to carry out what God wants us to clothe ourselves in: COMPASSION, KINDNESS, HUMILITY, GENTLENESS, PATIENCE, and FORGIVENESS?  Practical applications abound for each of us everyday, in the workplace, at church, and at home.

With all that is around us in the world, certainly could see more of the negative actions and feelings, especially if you watch the news.  Media tends to focus on scaring us with stories that are ANGRY, deal with issues of RAGE and SLANDER.  But let’s focus more on seeing the COMPASSION, KINDNESS, and FORGIVENESS in our world, not by watching the news, but by being those things through our words and actions in the world: PATIENCE, HUMILITY.  And then be THANKFUL.

What a great way to honor a man who today we celebrate.  Challenge yourself to not just bear these things in mind today, but everyday.

Hangin’ Tough


What was your first concert?

My best friend just bought tickets to the New Kids on the Block concert coming to town near her this summer.  It’s gotten me thinking about the New Kids (now called NKOTB) and how meaningful they were to me at one point.  The first album I bought was their “Hangin’ Tough”, the first bubblegum pop crush I had was on Danny, and my first concert was to see this mega-group.  By the way, there is no doubt that, at the time, I would’ve fought anyone who suggested that this group and their music was anything less than stellar.  And don’t even get me started on the high-pitched lunchroom discussions on which Kid was the hottest.  (Danny, of course.)

As NKOTB head out this summer to tour with another boy band that you may have heard of called the Backstreet Boys (BSB), I can’t help but to think back to their concert – my first concert – that  I attended when I was in 3rd grade.  My friend Katie had called me on the phone to invite me to go with her, as her grandpa had bought her several tickets for her birthday.  I was so sure she was pulling my leg with having ANY ticket to this momentous concert, let alone NUMEROUS tickets, that I hung up on her.  It was only when her Mom called back to speak to my parents, to explain that Katie was not kidding, and despite the fact that I had just hung up on her daughter, that they still wanted me to go, that I began to bounce around the house like a hysterical pre-teen.  Needless to say, that concert still resonates in my memory as one of the best nights of my life.  I remember the lights, the piercing screams of hundreds of girls, the tears, the songs, and the 5 man/boys that we were all sure were singing just for us, especially when they sang “Please Don’t Go Girl.”

I hope my friend has fun at the NKOTB concert this summer.  I hope she sings along loud and proud as they sing “The Right Stuff” and “Hangin’ Tough.”  It should be a whimsical experience.  Wonder if she’ll break out the neon colors, the teased hair, and the slap bracelets that were of that time period, too?  And in case you’re wondering, I won’t be headed to the NKOTB concert coming to a town near me.  Nope.  Not with grad school kicking into high gear again this summer.  However, I’m headed to iTunes right now to download “Step by Step” and other pieces of my childhood.

My Beloved Saturday


My whole life long, I’ve LOVED Saturdays.  For me, it means sleeping in late, eating something special for breakfast, and doing things that don’t usually get done during the week, whether going to a basketball game, grocery shopping, spending time with friends, watching movies, or eating popcorn.  Those activities evolved as I got older, but ultimately Saturdays meant time to RELAX.  A wonderful change from the craziness of the school/work week.

Yes, I LOVED Saturdays, until June of 2010.  Graduate school began and now my Saturdays consist of taking notes, presenting information, collaborating with my co-horts, reading, and creating any number of products to make evident my learning.  Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying my graduate school experience, for the most part, but as the program continues, it gets increasingly difficult to wake up to an alarm and get up out of my bed on a Saturday morning.  I’ve come to love coffee during this graduate school experience and this morning, I had 2 big cups before I was able to leave the house to face a technology class that lasts from 8am to 4pm.  It’s nothing personal against the professor or my co-horts (who are pretty terrific, by the way), but truly, the highlight of my day today, since I could not sleep in this morning, is going grocery shopping this afternoon.  Exciting, I know.

I will get back my Saturdays after I graduate at the end of July 2011 and then I can resume the long cherished tradition of sleeping in until I wake up, going to basketball games, the Farmer’s Market, and eating something special for breakfast (something that is NOT a granola bar).  Yes, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and will be glad when July comes.

And then we’ll have kids.

I know, I know.  Kiss my Beloved Saturday goodbye…


Gotta love the 80s!

How many of these do you remember?