Tag Archives: birthday

Birthday Factoids



I was born

Ronald Reagan was President of the United States of America

Annual income was $ 19,074

MTV was born

Raiders of the Lost Ark was released


I turned 10 years old

George HW Bush was President of the United States of America

Persian Gulf War ends with a cease-fire

Annual income was $ 30,126

Nirvana released “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Beauty & The Beast was released


I celebrated my 20th birthday

George W. Bush was President of the United States of America

America is attacked by terrorists on September 11th

Annual income was $ 30,413

Britney Spears releases her first album

Gladiator was released


I turn 30!

Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

The husband & I will go to Disney World for the very first time

I will graduate with my Master’s Degree in Education


“Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 New International Version

Thanks be to God, my family, & my friends.

Deep Freeze


To my students, it was Amendment BINGO.

To me, it will  be a deep freeze frost-free freezer coming to our house in a few days.

Today I reflect on the simple, sometimes strange little things that truly make our days.

Sometimes I get all caught up in thoughts like, “Boy it sure would be nice to be able to buy a new (insert item here)!”, or, “I wish I had (again, insert item here).”  I’m guessing there’s a lot of that going on in our country today, and perhaps it is that kind of thought that helped us get into our financial difficulties.

Though I cannot claim that thoughts of a new couch or a Walt Disney World trip are far from my mind, it is nice to take pleasure in smaller things (7.0 cubic feet?) in life.

My students had a “free” or “fun” day today and thought that they were getting away with something when we played BINGO today and did a looping activity.  Yet they were learning and all had smiles on their faces!  Who knew?

I have been saving for a freezer for months, been measuring and re-measuring the spot I cleared out in the garage and will have a great sense of satisfaction when it arrives and I can put it to good use.

I suppose I could say my husband’s simple pleasure will then be the orange rolls I make and freeze for him to pull out any old time.

Does my excitement and feeling of satisfaction over purchasing a deep freeze mean that I’m getting old?  I am approaching a milestone birthday.  Maybe this is it.  Nah – it just means that I can have my cake and freeze it, too!