Tag Archives: inspiration

Post-it Note Niceties


Blame it on having an entire day off, but I’m going to post twice in one day.

After a nice lunch with the husband and some family, I came home to make some chicken and dumplings for dinner.  While waiting and smelling what may be one of the best aromas in the world, I flipped through a magazine article about operationbeautiful.com  This project encourages women to put Post-its with uplifting messages in random places, such as in books, on bathroom mirrors, inside menus, etc.

It makes me want to go buy a few pads of Post-its in neat colors and make someone smile by spreading some of these in unexpected places!

Put on love


Refer to Colossians 3:8-17.  Go ahead.  Break out that Bible and take a look.

This was the scripture from my church service yesterday and several things struck me, especially given that I am off today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Keywords that I circled during church yesterday were items to rid ourselves of: ANGER, RAGE, MALICE, SLANDER, and FILTHY LANGUAGE, as well as the idea that we should not LIE to each other.  What if you and I and people everywhere made a conscious effort to curb these tendencies to hold anger, to lie (yes, even white lies), or use filthy language?  We are all guilty, myself included, but that is human nature, and God knows that.  What if, with just as much effort as we take to rid ourselves of these things, we try to carry out what God wants us to clothe ourselves in: COMPASSION, KINDNESS, HUMILITY, GENTLENESS, PATIENCE, and FORGIVENESS?  Practical applications abound for each of us everyday, in the workplace, at church, and at home.

With all that is around us in the world, certainly could see more of the negative actions and feelings, especially if you watch the news.  Media tends to focus on scaring us with stories that are ANGRY, deal with issues of RAGE and SLANDER.  But let’s focus more on seeing the COMPASSION, KINDNESS, and FORGIVENESS in our world, not by watching the news, but by being those things through our words and actions in the world: PATIENCE, HUMILITY.  And then be THANKFUL.

What a great way to honor a man who today we celebrate.  Challenge yourself to not just bear these things in mind today, but everyday.